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Innspilte arrangementer

Vet du hvilke utfordringer norske arbeidsgivere står overfor i 2023?

Få innsikt for 2023 fra Netigates årlige medarbeiderrapport! I denne videon får du vite mer om resultatene fra Netigates seneste medarbeiderrapport. Rapporten inneholder innsikt, erfaringer og utfordringer i det norske…

Varighet: 47 min

Vet du hvilke utfordringer norske arbeidsgivere står overfor i 2023?

Det nye arbeidslivet – hvordan bedrifter og organisasjoner må tilpasse seg i 2023

Slik vinner du kampen om de beste talentene i 2023 Kampen om de beste talentene er knallhard. Det holder ikke lenger å bare kapre dem. Som leder, må du sikre…

Varighet: 51 min

Det nye arbeidslivet – hvordan bedrifter og organisasjoner må tilpasse seg i 2023
Customer Experience Employee Experience Ledelse
Beyond the Facade: Ensuring Honest and Effective Customer Experience

Beyond the Facade: Ensuring Honest and Effective Customer Experience

Imagine you recently purchased a product from a company that heavily marketed its exceptional customer service. The ads were everywhere, promising quick responses, personalized support, and a hassle-free experience. However,…

Varighet: 34 min

Beyond the Facade: Ensuring Honest and Effective Customer Experience
Employee Experience Ledelse
Følelser som ressurs på jobben

Følelser som ressurs på jobben

Følelser som ressurs på jobben Hvordan kan god håndtering av følelser fremme innovasjon og styrke relasjoner i arbeidslivet? På jobben blir vi entusiastiske, frustrerte, stressa, stolte og redde. På sitt…

Varighet: 38 min

Følelser som ressurs på jobben

Customer Experience: Konkurransestrategiene som skaper vinnerbedrifter!

I dette webinaret vil du lære mer om Customer Experience Management og hvorfor enhver bedrift bør utvikle en strategi for kundeopplevelsen.

Varighet: 56 min

Customer Experience: Konkurransestrategiene som skaper vinnerbedrifter!
Customer Experience Employee Experience
The Roadmap to Seamless Customer and Employee Experiences

The Roadmap to Seamless Customer and Employee Experiences

Are you looking to transform your business by seamlessly integrating customer and employee experiences? Watch this fireside chat where Dimitrios Katsadouros and Carlos del Corral explores cutting-edge strategies and practical…

Varighet: 30 min

The Roadmap to Seamless Customer and Employee Experiences

Hvordan støtte medarbeiderne under korona – 5 tips fra HR-direktøren

I denne videon har vi invitert vår kunde Vivi Osberg, HR-direktør i AB Solutions, til å dele sine 5 tips om hvordan man kan støtte medarbeiderne sine under koronakrisen. Om…

Varighet: 44 min

Hvordan støtte medarbeiderne under korona – 5 tips fra HR-direktøren

Ledelse i krisetider

Denne videoen tar for seg lederskap under koronakrisen. Her deler et profesjonelt panel sine erfaringer fra denne tiden med dere. Vårt erfarne panel – en CEO, CMO og HR-direktør –…

Varighet: 56 min

Ledelse i krisetider

Slik skaper du en god kundeopplevelse

Slik skaper du en god kundeopplevelse Med en ordentlig strategi for kundeopplevelsen kan din bedrift få en bedre kundetilfredshetsgrad, mindre kundefrafall og økte inntekter. Vil du ha lojale kunder er…

Varighet: 38 min

Slik skaper du en god kundeopplevelse

5 steg for å tilrettelegge for dine medarbeidere i koronatider

Se webinaret: 5 steg for å tilrettelegge for dine medarbeidere i koronatider med Marit Methi fra april 2020. Moderator for webinaret er Rebecca Aversano.

Varighet: 30 min

5 steg for å tilrettelegge for dine medarbeidere i koronatider

Use the Voice of your Customers to Improve their Experience: Netigate ft. Lumoa

Product Webinar: See how Netigate featuring Lumoa, transforms feedback into clear, actionable strategies that align with your business.

Varighet: 36 min

Use the Voice of your Customers to Improve their Experience: Netigate ft. Lumoa

Choosing the Right Feedback Strategy for Your Business

Webinar: Learn how, why, and which feedback strategy fits your business with our experts from Futurelab Experience.

Varighet: 60 min

Choosing the Right Feedback Strategy for Your Business

Mastering AI-Driven Customer Feedback: Insights, Analytics, and Real-Time Solutions

Fireside chat: we’ll show you how to not just gather and analyze feedback, but also how to close the feedback loop effectively.

Varighet: 31 min

Mastering AI-Driven Customer Feedback: Insights, Analytics, and Real-Time Solutions

Netigate Featuring Lumoa

Learn more about Netigates acquisition of  Lumoa. In this recorded webinar Netigates CEO, Mikkel Drucker, and Lumoas CEO, Carlos Del Corral, share their common vision and roadmap for the rest…

Varighet: 45 min

Netigate Featuring Lumoa

How to keep your employees engaged in the age of AI

In the age of AI, Big Data, and Cloud, what can managers do to ensure their human workers remain engaged? Watch Catherine de la Poer in this webinar, where she…

Varighet: 41 min

How to keep your employees engaged in the age of AI

The future of employee engagement: the latest employee insights and a first look at Netigate EX

In this video you will get the key insights from our latest employee engagement study and get an exclusive look at our new engagement platform, Netigate EX. We’ll kick off…

Varighet: 59 min

The future of employee engagement: the latest employee insights and a first look at Netigate EX

Maximise CX success: How to overcome today’s customer experience challenges

Are you frustrated with the overwhelming amount of survey data, yet still struggling to extract meaningful insights and drive action? You are not alone. The implementation gap – the disconnect…

Varighet: 55 min

Maximise CX success: How to overcome today’s customer experience challenges

How to create a positive work culture

In this webinar Aurelie Litynski explores the why, what, and how behind creating a positive culture for employees at work. Netigate is joined by Aurelie Litynski, Happiness at Work expert…

Varighet: 61 min

How to create a positive work culture

Text analysis to automate and improve analysis of customers and employee surveys

Dr Jarle Hildrum from Telenor Group will share why and how Telenor uses Text Analytics to understand their collected feedback to create actionable insights.

Varighet: 59 min

Text analysis to automate and improve analysis of customers and employee surveys

Employee experience myths busted

EX expert Emma Bridger joins Netigate to debunk some myths about what makes for a great employee experience and demystify the science so you can focus on what works.

Varighet: 60 min

Employee experience myths busted

Lederskap: Hvordan skaper vi høytpresterende team som trives på jobb?

Nysgjerrighet – den nye superkraften! Hvordan skaper vi høytpresterende team som trives på jobb? Verden rundt oss endrer seg raskt, noe vi alle har opplevd det siste året. Ettersom kultur…

Varighet: 45 min

Lederskap: Hvordan skaper vi høytpresterende team som trives på jobb?

Connecting the dots between eNPS and NPS: The road to growth and profitability

What is the link between your customers and employees, and why is understanding it essential for boosting business growth and profitability?  In this webinar, Netigate’s CEO, Mikkel Drucker, explores the…

Varighet: 49 min

Connecting the dots between eNPS and NPS: The road to growth and profitability
Customer Experience Employee Experience
Netigate Digital Connect 2021

Netigate Digital Connect 2021

If you are invested in managing and improving the experiences that matter to your business, this is the event for you.

Varighet: 167 min

Netigate Digital Connect 2021