Customer service surveys – 7 reasons why they are worth the effort

Customer service surveys and why they are worth the effort

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Customer service surveys – 7 reasons why they are worth the effort

Your customer service centre might consist of a call centre with hundreds of workers, or it might be just you alone. But do you know what your customers think of the service you offer?

Image shows a computer screen with three emoticons, happy, straight-faced, and sad, representing customer service surveys.

Why it’s worth finding out what your customers think of the service you offer – customer service surveys:

1. Your only point of contact

Now that so much of our world is online, customer service often becomes the only point of human contact between a company and its customers, and can often form the basis for customer opinions of your company. Therefore it is important to keep tabs on how well you are performing in this area.

2. Second chances

For big companies, it is inevitable that a small percentage of customers end up dissatisfied. So, asking for feedback gives you a second chance with those clients. They get a chance to blow off steam and you get the chance to make amends and maybe even mend your relationship with them.

3. Addressing problems with customer service surveys

Problems with customer service might be symptomatic of more serious problems within your company. As with any problem, the first step towards fixing it is to know about it.

4. Training needs

If customer service feedback highlights recurring problems, it might signal a need for staff training. Investing in your staff resources is always a good idea but can be expensive, so it’s good to have a firm justification for the expenditure.

5. Meeting expectations

Many companies elicit customer feedback after any contact with customer service agents. Most customers have now come to expect this and will therefore be disgruntled if they are not given the opportunity to air their views. Adapting to the market is often a case of meeting contemporary customer expectations.

6. Information is power – get your information with customer service surveys

Feedback on customer service may be an unexpectedly useful source of information. For example, complaints reveal a lot about customer needs and expectations and about whether you, as a company, are meeting them. They may also provide you with valuable information about your competitors.

7. Practically no effort

Online surveys are quick and easy to set up and simple to modify and adapt. They can be disseminated by email, text message or on your homepage, and the results can quickly be processed into graphs and diagrams.

If the reasons above should haven’t already convinced you that customer service surveys is a good idea, the fact that it takes almost no effort to set one up should be a deciding factor.

Find out how Netigate can help you to set up and run customer service surveys. Sign up for your free account today.

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